The League of Arab States is coming closer and closer to finalising a draft resolution paper, as the end of the EuroMUN Conference is near. Today, the League used a Consultation of the Whole to discuss the possibility of mobilising a joint Arab peace keeping force which could act in complement with the already stationed blue helmets of the UN force. Considering the non-binding principle of the League, this force would be on a voluntary basis and the League would see the force being stationed in the hotspots of Lebanon, which include but are not limited to the border with Syria. Proposed by the delegate of the Arab Republic of Egypt, both the mentioned Lebanese and Syria delegates supported this point.
Following a number of further amendments and joined discussions, the final resolution of the draft was read out by the sponsors of the paper, these being Egypt, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates. Unfortunately, no vote was cast on this paper. Nonetheless, hopes that the paper will pass in the League is high among the delegates.
- Marta De Grandi, Political Correspondent for Reuters