In the final two sessions of the United Nations Security Council meeting regarding the territorial dispute of the Essequibo region in Guyana, the delegates focused their attention to amending the current resolution, paying close attention to affairs concerning the Venezuelan elections this July, while agreeing for a summit in Brazil to settle the territorial matter in 12 months.
In a consultation of the whole, the discussion narrowed on clauses in the resolution stating the inclusion of UN bodies in assisting Venezuelan elections and granting temporary legal residence to Venezuelans living abroad to ensure their participation.
Regarding the first matter, Venezuela completely opposed the inclusion of such bodies in their election, stating that they are in no need of assistance and that it is a disrespect to Venezuela’s sovereignty.
Japan and Colombia reassured that these clauses are merely recommendations for actors to make decisions on. Colombia firmly reassures Venezuela that this is no way a breach of sovereignty. They also state that they understand Venezuela’s concern, but reaffirm the importance of having a neutral body to ensure free and fair elections. And that the UN fulfills the requirements of impartiality and a-politicalness.
For the second matter, Venezuela stated that all citizens are already registered to vote, and such measures are not necessary.
To find a compromise, China suggests for the UN to have a supervising position in the elections to protect Venezuelan integrity. However, Venezuela stated that in their eyes, the UN is not a neutral body which they trust to oversee elections. Venezuela declared that they would be open to assistance from Chinese or Brazilian bodies.
A fervent back and forth commenced with Guyana, Venezuela, and Algeria, the first of which declared that these clauses, as Japan has stated, are only recommendations and possibilities for further discussion. Venezuela retorted with how such recommendations would still need Venezuelan approval. Algeria pointed out how these clauses do certainly interfere with Venezuelan sovereignty.
Venezuela ended the discussion to confirm that they cannot accept this clause as of now but will accept further discussion on it, in which Guyana agreed.
After a 15 minute unmoderated debate, Japan and China agreed that the UN Fact-Finding mission would only observe the elections, not provide assistance.
In a comment to the press, the Venezuelan delegate stated that they are “looking forward to this resolution to be passed as long as the amendments made by the Chinese delegation pass”. Furthermore, “The Maduro administration is looking forward to working towards rebuilding trust without western counterpart for the removal of the sanctions to become a reality as soon as possible”.
The committee meeting proceeded with discussion of amendments and clarifications. Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom pressed on the importance of the inclusion of the UN Fact-Finding mission in the package deal included in the resolution. They stress that it would ensure reports of the election reach the UN and that certain criteria is being realized.
Additionally, with the addition of the mission, it would allow for the deescalation of sanctions on Venezuela, which was another talking point and clause in the resolution.
In a round of final speeches before the voting commenced, the delegates stated their contentment with the work done, and thanked their colleagues for participation.
Slovenia was pleased with the veto powers to use their privilege carefully, while Switzerland stressed the need for democratic consensus.
Thankfully for all delegates involved, the resolution passed.
It called for a package aiming for the deescalation for sanctions on Venezuela under the supervision of the UN Fact-Finding Mission and the establishment of safe routes in South America for Venezuelan refugees under the UN Refugee Agency, along with further humanitarian aid.
It recommended the establishment of humanitarian corridors, the creation of facilities to enable the participation of Venezuelans living abroad to vote in the upcoming elections to be discussion with regional actors.
As stated previously, the resolution contains the establishment of a binding summit held in Brazil in regards to the territorial disputes.
The resolution concluded with the reaffirmation that both Guyana and Venezuela will refrain from any further territorial intervention in the Essequibo region until a ruling has been determined.