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The Maastricht Diplomat

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A Grand Opening Ceremony!

A warm welcome to local and guest delegates has been given by this year’s EuroMUN secretariat at the Faculty of Business and Economics of Maastricht University. The secretaries have individually opened the ceremony with an enthusiastic tone after over two years since the last in-person conference.

By Learning from the past, constructing a new future, the twelve different committees conform two main groups, A and B, along which this year’s EuroMUN will develop. To make it happen, Cato by Cato and Levantini will be the two local restaurants providing the catering and a bit of a taste of Maastricht.

An unexpected and honorable guest entered the ceremony from the United Nations’ headquarters speaking on behalf of the organization as the Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications. Melissa Fleming introduced herself as the storyteller not only of the UN but of all front line activists struggling to make the world a more sustainable and livable place. Fleming warmly shared her professional and personal experience working for the UN and other well-known international organizations and newsrooms operating globally. In her closing words, Fleming referred to the EuroMUN as one the UN’s trusted messengers responsible for broadening the entity’s storytelling. A role that, as Fleming pointed out, must not only be based on facts but also hopes and solutions for the suffering invading our world.

In conclusion, the several sponsors making EuroMUN possible were presented by Under-Secretary of Finance as well as the Instagram meme account bringing fun to this year’s conference. Last but not least, the schedule was recalled and the emergency contact listed.


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