Just as soon as it started it was over
Tasty but chaotic: EuroMUN Food catering review
[Guardian] End of a saga in ECOSOC!
Socking around - Day 4 EuroMUN
[France24] Russia Declares that the World is Flat!!
Spotting EuroMUN faces
But what does EP really stand for?
[Reuters] A minute of silence
[Global Times] Russia steering the UNSC
[the Economist] Namibian uranium powering new nuclear infrastructure in Cote D'Ivoire
[Reuters] An uncontrollable algorithmic blockage
[Euractiv] European Parliament and Council’s marriage story
Delegates tired of the never-ending discussions in the UNSC
[new york times] Dr. Greedish does his name justice: #CancelDrGreedish
Facebook: The only crucial book of the digital age
Space as an extension of earth?!
The Cryptocurrency debate: Is cryptocurrency harming or helping sustainable development?
[Reuters] “We need a European Union!” Passionate speech from Ursula von der Leyen at the EP
[Al jazeera] SCOOP- Deception at the WHO?
[Global Times] Chaos! In the Security Council