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Anthi Likitsakos
May 25, 2023
Is Force-feeding Torture?
When we think of torture, we might think of war criminals, communist states, and violent and gruesome practices. However, some types of...

Jonathan Wijayaratne
May 25, 2023
Vox Populi Vox Dei: Addressing the European Democratic Deficit
Brussels, 15 May 2019. Public television networks in all 28 Member States of the European Union are broadcasting the Eurovision Debate...

Pauline Keller
May 25, 2023
The Digital Euro: Why Europe is Embracing a Cashless Future
It’s Wednesday afternoon, you've spent the whole day in the library, and the only thing you want is to go home. But wait, you have...

Marta De Grandi & Chloé Leplatre
May 25, 2023
European Integration Through Economic Expansion?
By the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), Europe was left in a state of unprecedented destruction. The continent was a divided and...

Laura Osterrieth
May 25, 2023
A New Front for NATO? The Implications of a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan
I get brutally awakened by my mom banging on my bedroom door. The sound of muffled bombing resonates through the city of Taipei. The time...

Ninetin Lu
May 10, 2023
When the Chips are Down
A review of Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology by Chris Miller For the last few months, there has been a steady...
Lars Hamers
Apr 2, 2023
A war on two fronts
Another week, another news summary. April has arrived, already the fourth month of the year. April gets its name from the Latin word...

Maya Müller-Perron
Mar 18, 2023
Can yoga lower recidivism rates in the American prison system?
More than two million people are currently locked up in prison, making the United States the country with the highest incarceration rate...

Leilani Radaideh
Mar 8, 2023
She is You: A nod to Female Lawyers
“When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked....

Ninetin Lu
Mar 2, 2023
Taiwan: An Island in Shadow
While the world’s press see the Chinese military drills around Taiwan as signalling the commencement to WW3, it’s business as usual for...

Ana Navarro Bullo
Feb 17, 2023
You got a baton, I got some words: spotlighting police violence as our birthday cake
Disclaimer: white privilege in front of law enforcement bodies does exist in Europe, and the level of structural racism and extreme...

Jonathan Wijayaratne
Feb 5, 2023
Is there really anything to celebrate?
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka celebrated 75 years of independence from British rule yesterday, 4 February 2023. For this...

Lisa-Marie Feldstein
Jan 26, 2023
Going with the flow? - Becoming aware of my period privilege
Disclaimer: Before you go on reading this article, I would like to say that the article is limited to period poverty and will not...

Mercure Libbrecht Gourdet
Jan 15, 2023
Luetzerath bleibt - Germany vs Fossil Fuel
For over a decade, Germany has been rolling out their strategy for the “Energiewende”, the transition to producing all energy required...

Jane Hilgert
May 25, 2022
Turns out: I am a racist, too – In Remembrance of George Floyd
The killing of George Floyd, 46, of St. Louis Park — who repeatedly told a Minneapolis police officer he couldn’t breathe as the officer...

Guest Writer
May 11, 2022
Dear Diary, I want to be elected to the University Council…
Why did I decide to participate in the elections at the University of Maastricht? I was born in a country of Eastern Europe, lived there...

Paula Nörr
May 8, 2022
Who writes history? A detour beyond the official narrative of history
Whether at school or in university, most of us learned about the Paris Peace Conference as a crucial event in European history. Are you...

Leilani Radaideh
May 8, 2022
The Contumacious Opioid Epidemic: The Five Pillars
Chinese water tortue is a process by which cold water slowly drips onto the scalp or forehead of a victim who is strapped face up on an...

Ana Navarro Bullo
May 8, 2022
The GIG economic times for the EU: on our way to a more socially proactive Union
Thirty years have gone by since the city where we find ourselves, Maastricht, witnessed the birth of the European Union (EU), bringing...

Anahita Lotfollahzadeh
May 7, 2022
Facebook: The only crucial book of the digital age
Facebook and co. might be the big tech equivalent to the infamous toxic ex-partner most of us have at least encountered in the movies....
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